Tribal Fires - Dumbartung
Tribal Fires is a podcast that will tell the stories of the Dumbartung Aboriginal corporations' 35-year history of working in the Bibbulmun Nyoongah community in the South West of Australia. These stories will tell of the cultural initiatives, interviews, and the political struggles that has challenged the survival of the organisation by attempted Government strategies to adversely attempt to cease the truth-telling and cultural empowerment of this crucial Aboriginal organisation.
29 episodes
The Maxim "May Our Campfires Burn Forever"
This story of Tribal Fires center's on the Dumbartungs maxim, "May our Campfires Burn Forever". Its origin, purpose, and how NAIDOC eclipsed and whitewashed its true meaning and, without any form of consultation, used it in their 2024 slogan "K...
Season 3
Episode 29

WARNING: This podcast contains story of personal loss through suicide. This Tribal Fires episode is titled ‘Hurt’. This is a deeply personal story about the devastating loss of my only son through Suicide. ...
Season 3
Episode 8

This episode of Tribal fires will explain in detail how the past government policy of the forced removal of children throughout the 20th century has had a lasting impact on generations of Indigenous Australians. Dumbartung was a major part of t...
Season 3
Episode 7

Burial Ground
This Podcast entitled Burial Ground is a true story of a lived experience I had as a young man while camping in bushland in New South Wales at a place called Seals Rock. Unknown to me The site was a ancient traditional burial ground of the ...
Season 3
Episode 6

Spiritual Colonisation
This story is about the continued spiritual and cultural colonization of our culture and spirituality as Bibbulmun people.It is the story of the Dumbartung declaration Jangga Meenya Bomunggur, a resistance against the exploitation of ou...
Season 3
Episode 5
Atomic Kids
This episode of Tribal Fires titled ‘Atomic Kids’, discusses the Indigenous perspective relating to Uranium and nuclear energy and the impact this will have on our culture, land and spirit.We look at the history of atomic bomb tests in A...
Season 3
Episode 4

This episode titled ‘Boulders’, is an ancient tribal story of a young woman named Oolana who was in a promised marriage. Forsaking that marriage she broke the traditional law and fell in love with a warrior from a passing tribe. As this custom ...
Season 3
Episode 3

This episode of Tribal Fires called Apprehended, reflects youth detention and juvenile social justice issues facing many Aboriginal peoples.This story is based on the lived experience of Robert Eggington, the creator of Tribal Fires and ...
Season 3
Episode 2

This episode of Tribal Fires titled ‘Ostracised’ is a reflection of Dumbartung’s history on the old Clontarf orphanage site in Manning, Western Australia.It is a tribute to the orphans, some of which I had the honour of meeting and heari...
Season 3
Episode 1

This episode of Tribal Fires is a respected tribute story to three close advocates for the Dumbartung Aboriginal Corporation.John Pilger; Journalist, author & film maker.Irene Cunningham; Environmental historian, author...
Season 2
Episode 20

This Podcast 'Powder', is a cry-out to our young people to be consciously aware of the scourge and devastation that powdered drugs such as Methamphetamine and Heroin has on our culture, families and communities.This story is told through th...
Season 1
Episode 19

Ricochet : The story of colonial Australia
Ricochet is a story about a recent "Voice" referendum and the colonial history of racism perpetrated against the Aboriginal people.
Season 1
Episode 18
Pearl Shell
This Podcast ‘Pearl Shell’ is a tribute to the Bardi Elders of the One Arm Point Community in the North West Kimberley region of Western Australia.It tells of the times that I shared and the knowledge gained from many years of travelling...
Season 1
Episode 17

Wall of Shame - Nations go to war
This video podcast titled Wall of Shame - Nations go to war, tells the story of the plundering and pillaging of cultural objects during the colonisation period of Indigenous lands.We also discuss Dumbartungs wall of shame which has examples...
Season 2
Episode 16

This story titled ‘Vengeance’ looks back over 3 important decades of change and advancement for Aboriginal people. The 1970s, 80s and 90s reflects a time when self-determination and funding resources were extremely restrictive and Aboriginal pe...
Season 2
Episode 15

A Cultural Crime Against Kyana (Part 2)
This episode ' The Acquisitions' concludes our story regarding the contoversy surrounding the LotteryWest funding of the Kyana Gallery.
Season 2
Episode 14

A Cultural crime against Kyana
During the last 2 decades Dumbartung has been approached by the state Lotterywest commission to offer their support to fund a Cultural truth telling centre. During these meetings Dumbartung has been encouraged to believe that...
Season 2
Episode 3

Irish Connection
This important episode of Tribal Fires merged from meeting Irish songwriters, poets story collectors and actors in Perth, Western Australia while they were in town doing their own cultural performances. Two important Nyoongah Elders brought the...
Season 2
Episode 2

Mumma Africa
In 2017 Dumbartung toured Capetown, South Africa via the Savanna.We met officially with a number of internationally known organisations and institutions, including; The District 6 museum, Archbishop Tutu Truth centre, The king of the Khoisa...
Season 2
Episode 1

Little Red Dots
In 2011 the CHOGM (Commonwealth Heads of Government) meeting was held in Perth, Western Australia.The Queen of England visited for the occasion. During her trip she opened the newly constructed Clontarf college...
Season 1
Episode 10

On The Edge
This episode of Tribal fires, titled ‘On The Edge’ discusses the political and cultural challenges facing the worlds Indigenous peoples, including refugees and those suffering dispossession. This episode is a special tribute ...
Season 1
Episode 9

Hamburgers For Masterpieces
This episode is a tribute to all of our people who survived, following their lives as Stolen Generation children. We also give a tribute to their great artistic creativity, which was constantly exploited by mainstream society in return for meni...
Season 1
Episode 8

On Sacred Ground - From Noonkanbah to Juukan Gorge
This episode tells the story of my experience in 1980 travelling from Broome to the Noonkanbah protests against the mining giant AMAX, drilling for oil on the sacred site of the Goanna Dreaming. The story covers the history of Dumbartungs activ...
Season 1
Episode 7

Trans Racial Identity Change, Cultural Appropriation
The episode is a discussion regarding cultural appropriation, Identity Theft, and Aboriginal social issues.It is a discussion represented by the Director of Tribal Fires Mr. Robert Eggington and the retired Anthropologist of the Universi...
Season 1
Episode 6

Meeting with the Great Train Robber Ronald Biggs in Brazil whilst attending and presenting at an International Child Care and Infant Mortality Conference in Brazil - 1988
This podcast is a story about traveling to Rio De Janeiro in 1988 to represent our people as a member of the National body S.N.A.I.I.C IN Brazil.It’s a three-part story about losing and then finding my didgeridoo, and then being invited ...
Season 1
Episode 5